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Handcraft Collection
Brings together nature’s inspiration and brilliant design with the 3 ranges able to be coordinated together.

All ranges achieve Cradle 2 Cradle certification.


falling leaves mark the changing of the seasons… Leaf range touches the ground lightly
This range is Cradle to Cradle® using recycled ECONYL® yarn.

Link to: Leaf


Nature’s beauty is strongest in those smallest of textures… Moss Range is pattern and texture of the natural world. Moss achieves Cradle to Cradle using recycled ECONYL® yarn.

Link to: Moss


A unique carpet with the natural bend of tree bark… a grounded sense of texture & pattern. Willow achieves Cradle to Cradle certification using 100% recycled ECONYL® yarn.

Link to: Willow


Grind – unique – going down a road less traveled by…..texture and subtlety that subtly that reflects elegance throughout your interior. Achieves Cradle to Cradle certification using 100% recycled ECONYL® yarn.

Link to: Grind