For over 50 years, tretford goat hair carpets have provided a unique carpet solution to suit every interior with 60 superb colour options
borne of nature | sourced ethically.
tretford goat hair carpets have a proven track record for nearly 70 years, and has long been a trusted brand.
Contract quality with a stunning colour palette & elegant clean lines, tretford has excellent appearance retention and performance.
Suited to all applications :- commercial, education, residential, multi residential, as well as retail, hospitality and government.
Product Features
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Green Building Council of Australia
tretford INTERLIFE Carpets in Roll | Tile | Plank formats have been certified by Global Green Tag International, which is a recognised Product Certification Initiative within the Green Star rating tools. Products certified by this initiative may contribute to a project’s Green Star rating through the Responsible Products credits.
This initiative’s Responsible Product Value takes into account Green Rate Level A, LCA Rate Silver, Product Health Declaration, EPD – compliant to ISO15804, and BPPVC Certificate.
tretford carpets achieve an RPV value of 26.
tretford goat hair carpets have a proven track record for nearly 70 years, and has long been a trusted brand.
Contract quality with a stunning colour palette & elegant clean lines, tretford has excellent appearance retention and performance.
Suited to all applications :- commercial, education, residential, multi residential, as well as retail, hospitality and government.
Product Features
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Green Building Council of Australia
tretford INTERLIFE Carpets in Roll | Tile | Plank formats have been certified by Global Green Tag International, which is a recognised Product Certification Initiative within the Green Star rating tools. Products certified by this initiative may contribute to a project’s Green Star rating through the Responsible Products credits.
This initiative’s Responsible Product Value takes into account Green Rate Level A, LCA Rate Silver, Product Health Declaration, EPD – compliant to ISO15804, and BPPVC Certificate.
tretford carpets achieve an RPV value of 26.