Rug Maker Spotlight
Meet Mitch, our Head Rug Maker
Meet Mitch, our Head Rug Maker
With our latest rug collection by Martin Reid now released, we’d like to show a little behind-the-scenes story of our rug maker, Mitch who makes it all happen.
We caught up with Mitch to get to know him a little better – turns out there were a few things that took us by surprise, and we can’t wait to share them.
Knowing each and every day is different! No job is the same. Being able to come to work and create something from scratch motivates me.
I have now been with Gibbon Architectural for over 5 years now and have loved every second of it. It has helped me develop more confidence and pride in my abilities.
Bringing people’s ideas to life! Each rug I work on makes me feel part of the project and I find an appreciation of how each one will incorporate into their business or home.
tretford is just like a textile so it’s surprisingly flexible but can be a finicky product to join. Even when some designs look rather simple, it can be deceptively hard because you are dealing with a ribbed product where one of our goals is to line these up, so whilst dealing with angles and curves it adds an extra level of difficulty!
My favourite job so far has been producing the MARKIAN rugs for their showroom. Being invited to the opening and seeing so much appreciation for my work gives me so much pride in what I do.
I had no experience on the tools upon working at Gibbon Architectural and came fresh from completing a dancing contract in Dubai. I also have an immense love of animals.
Dancing has really influenced my creativity in rug making as there are many processes that require thinking outside the box. Dancing also demands a lot of commitment to become a professional and this has created a strong work ethic, as well as increased my body’s ability to adapt to working with materials.